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How to Make Messi and Lionel Messi in Infinite Craft

Check out the quick and complex versions of creating Lionel Messi in this game.



recipe combo to make lionel messi in infinite craft

If you’re a fan of soccer legend Lionel Messi, then it’s a given that you’d like to make this icon in Infinite Craft too. There are two variants that you can create – Lionel Messi or just Messi and the combinations require Soccer, Mud, Dust and more. Take a look at the recipe combinations below.

How to Make Messi in Infinite Craft

how to make messi in infinite craft

Recipe to create Messi / Screenshot by Gaming Inbox

This is the easier version where to create Messi, you need to combine Dust with Soccer.

Earth + Wind = Dust
Fire + Water = Steam
Earth + Water = Plant
Dust + Earth = Planet
Water + Water = Lake
Plant + Steam = Tea
Planet + Wind = Storm
Lake + Water = Ocean
Storm + Tea = Tempest
Earth + Earth = Mountain
Dust + Ocean = Sand
Tempest + Water = Tsunami
Mountain + Wind = Avalanche
Dust + Sand = Sandstorm
Avalanche + Tsunami = Disaster
Dust + Water = Mud
Disaster + Sandstorm = Dust Bowl
Dust Bowl + Mud = Mud Bowl
Mud + Mud Bowl = Football
Dust + Football = Soccer
Dust + Soccer = Messi

How to Make Lionel Messi in Infinite Craft

You need a whopping 151 steps to craft Lionel Messi in this game, but hear me out! You will also unlock lots of unique blocks during the process, so it might just be worth it. Be careful because with so many elements, the screen can get….messi.

Earth + Wind = Dust
Fire + Water = Steam
Dust + Earth = Planet
Water + Water = Lake
Planet + Steam = Steampunk
Lake + Water = Ocean
Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
Earth + Water = Plant
Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
Fire + Wind = Smoke
Plant + Steam = Tea
Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
Dust + Water = Mud
Earth + Tea = Teapot
Mud + Steampunk Tree = Swamp
Planet + Wind = Storm
Ocean + Ocean = Sea
Earth + Fire = Lava
Swamp + Teapot = Witch
Dust + Plant = Pollen
Storm + Tea = Tempest
Lava + Sea = Stone
Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
Dust + Witch = Broom
Pollen + Smoke = Bee
Plant + Tempest = Tree
Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
Broom + Dust = Clean
Bee + Wind = Breeze
Dust + Tree = Wood
Steampunk Pirate + Wind = Airship
Steam + Stonehenge = Time
Breeze + Clean = Fresh
Fire + Wood = Campfire
Airship + Lava = Dragon
Plant + Wind = Dandelion
Tea + Tempest = Typhoon
Fresh + Time = Fruit
Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
Ocean + Pollen = Coral
Campfire + Earth = Charcoal
Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
Lava + Typhoon = Volcano
Fruit + Lava = Peach
Coral + Venus Flytrap = Coral Reef
Tree + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
Charcoal + Charcoal = Coal
Dandelion + Dandelion = Dandelion Patch
Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
Dust + Volcano = Ash
Peach + Steam = Pie
Coral Reef + Steam = Fish
Carnivore + Swamp = Crocodile
Coal + Fire = Diamond
Airship + Fire = Crash
Dandelion Patch + Lake = Duck
Fairy + Plant = Flower
Ash + Dust = Cinder
Pie + Wind = Piece of Cake
Fish + Lake = Fishing
Crocodile + Stonehenge = Dinosaur
Crash + Diamond = Emerald
Duck + Water = Duckling
Flower + Plant = Garden
Cinder + Stone = Glass
Piece of Cake + Steam = Pudding
Fishing + Wind = Kite
Earth + Earth = Mountain
Dinosaur + Dinosaur = Egg
Earth + Fairy = Gnome
Emerald + Steam = Gem
Duck + Duckling = Family
Garden + Garden = Park
Fire + Glass = Lens
Plant + Pudding = Salad
Kite + Stone = Paper
Glass + Lake = Mirror
Tempest + Water = Tsunami
Mountain + Wind = Avalanche
Egg + Egg = Bird
Coal + Gnome = Goblin
Dandelion Patch + Duck = Duck and Cover
Family + Gem = Jewel
Garden + Park = Zoo
Water + Wind = Wave
Lens + Swamp = Microscope
Ash + Pollen = Cough
Fire + Salad = Salsa
Tree + Water = River
Mirror + Paper = Reflection
Avalanche + Tsunami = Disaster
Bird + Bird = Flock
Goblin + Plant = Mushroom
Charcoal + Mud = Fossil
Ash + Duck and Cover = Fallout
Flower + Jewel = Crown
Earth + Zoo = Animal
Microscope + Wave = Radio
Garden + Witch = Poison
Cough + Plant = Medicine
Salsa + Water = Sauce
Garden + Swamp = Marsh
Fire + Mud = Brick
Earth + River = Delta
Flower + Paper = Book
Disaster + Reflection = Learning
Flock + Flock = Herd
Fossil + Mushroom = Truffle
Fallout + Swamp = Gator
Animal + Crown = King
Radio + Radio = Radio Tower
Poison + Stone = Snake
Medicine + Water = Potion
Fire + Steam = Engine
Sauce + Steam = Steamboat
Brick + Marsh = Adobe
Book + Delta = Alphabet
Herd + Learning = School
Fire + Truffle = Chili
Gator + Steam = Geyser
Earth + Family = Farm
Animal + King = Lion
Radio Tower + Water = Radio Waves
Snake + Steam = Train
Engine + Potion = Rocket
Adobe + Steamboat = Adobe Flash
Alphabet + Book = Dictionary
School + School = University
Chili + Fire = Hot
Farm + Geyser = Hot Spring
Dust + Lion = Lion King
Earth + Radio Waves = Satellite
Rocket + Train = Bullet Train
Adobe Flash + Steam = Game
Alphabet + Dictionary = Language
Hot + University = College
Hot Spring + Mud = Mud Bath
Lion King + Water = Narnia
Plant + Rocket = Space Plant
Bullet Train + Satellite = Internet
Crash + Game = Over
College + Language = Latin
Mud + Mud Bath = Spa
Narnia + Water = Aslan
Space Plant + Space Plant = Space Flower
Internet + Water = Net
Latin + Over = Lover
Aslan + Spa = Lions
Net + Space Flower = Space Net
Lions + Lover = Lionel
Lionel + Space Net = Lionel Messi

The effort to make Lionel Messi in Infinite Craft can be quite a lot, but if you enjoy this game, it can be fun. Looking for more crafts? Here are the recipes and steps to create Taylor Swift, Kanye, Lotus Flower, Church, Roblox, and even Destruction in Infinite Craft.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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