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How to Earn Money with Candy Crush? – Answered

Can you earn money by playing Candy Crush Saga? Find out here.



how to earn money from playing candy crush saga

If you’re good at playing Candy Crush Saga, you might have wondered whether there is any way to earn money through this game. Can you really get some cash by playing the game? Well, yes and no.

Can you Earn Money by Playing Candy Crush Saga?

In short, you cannot directly earn cash by playing Candy Crush because there isn’t any built-in method or system to do so. There are in-game rewards but none of them give you real money.

However, there are some indirect ways you could potentially make some money while playing Candy Crush.

  • Content Creation
  • Streaming
  • Participating in Tournaments with Cash Prizes

Create Content to Earn Money by Playing Candy Crush

streaming or content creation to earn money

Candy Crush players are always looking for tips, tricks, and guides to get ahead in the game. Due to this, gameplay videos on YouTube can help you earn money via YouTube monetization.

This can be a long journey because you have to get your channel monetized first, however, your views may see a boost if you make videos with a face cam or voiceover instead of just the gameplay. But even without facecams, videos have reached millions of views, so it’s definitely worth a try if you’re good at the game.

Streaming Candy Crush

If you want to be a known face in the world of streaming on Twitch or YouTube, you can start regularly streaming with funny/dramatic reactions similar to how PewDiePie found his initial fame. If you keep at it, your audience can grow and you may be able to make substantial money from streaming via ads, subs, and more.

Participating in Tournaments with Cash Prizes

Lastly, keep an eye out for Candy Crush tournaments which have huge cash prizes for winners. For example, there’s Candy Crash All Stars – take a look at the introduction here. Check the terms and conditions for your eligibility, and apply to have a chance at winning cash rewards.

These were some ways to earn money by playing Candy Crush Saga. Make sure you don’t fall for scams that promise to directly send you money for playing the game because there are some survey-related scams that ask for your personal data to hack into your accounts. Stay safe and stick to the legit methods to earn cash through this game as mentioned above.

Nikita has switched multiple career paths but one thing has remained constant - her love for digital content and writing. Having dabbled in creative storytelling, songwriting and long-form content, writing about video games is when she has the most fun. She's a hardcore fan of the Forza franchise, Overwatch 2, Diablo and currently playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder!

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