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How to Become a Model in BitLife

Want to rank up from a body part model to a supermodel? Find out how to become a successful model in BitLife with these steps.



how to become a famous model in bitlife

To become a model in BitLife, you need to make some careful choices as soon as you turn 13. Here’s the roadmap you need to follow to get your dream career as a model or supermodel and things to avoid during your lifetime. This profession will also bring in great income and you’ll be on your way to becoming very rich!

Want to try out more careers? Here’s how to become a pilot, an actor, a CEO of a company, or get into medical school to become a doctor.

How to Become a Model in BitLife

If you want to make it as a model or supermodel, your looks are everything. Start with a new life that has very high looks stats (more than 90%). You can improve them by going to the gym, spa, going on walks and doing activities that help you stay fit and look good.

Start as a female character (it appears to have a better success rate, although it’s not confirmed) and choose the special talent to be Modeling. Under attributes, give high stats to Looks and Karma.

When you’re 13, you can start taking modeling lessons if your parents permit you to do so. This can be found under Activities > Mind & Body > Modeling Lessons.

modeling lessons

These cost money if you do them later, so make sure you do a part-time job beforehand.

Keep doing these lessons until you get better at the skill. This is very important to ensure a successful career!

When you turn 18, get a headshot taken of yourself in grayscale or full color. This option is under Job > Special Careers > Model > Headshot. Pick your outfit, background, and expression that suits you best.

The Special Careers is a paid option – purchase the Model job pack or Boss mode perk to unlock it.

local and elite modeling gigs

Image source: Queenfifss on Youtube

Next, look for jobs to start your modeling career. Audition for modeling gigs under Model > Activities. You should see Local gigs as well as Elite gigs which mean that they are casting calls from international brands. Complete 5 local gigs to unlock elite ones.

You can also audition for Modeling agencies. Remember that you will start with basic jobs but that’s how you start climbing the ladder.

photoshoot in bitlife

Image source: Queenfifss on Youtube

In case your looks start to suffer, plastic surgery is an option.

There are different tiers of modeling jobs available – body part model, stock image model, catalogue model, elite model, and supermodel. You can start looking for the body part model job under the Occupations section and see if you get in. At every modeling job, you will be given a requirement and it’s up to you to interpret it with attitude, poise, or quirkiness.

modeling in bitlife

Image source: Queenfifss on Youtube

As you try to make your way up, avoid getting into trouble (or getting caught) and avoid doing drugs or engaging in shady activities to ensure a clean background.

Finally, when you get your foot into the door of the profession, keep working hard, gain experience and after lots of effort, you will officially become a famous model in BitLife.

That was everything about modeling, but if you’d like to choose to be a criminal next time, here’s how to rob a train or get the Houdini ribbon by escaping from jail many times.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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