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Lords of the Fallen Devs Expected Higher Revenue, Sold 900K Copies To Date

Also, find out which platform sold the most copies of LotF.



lords of the fallen sold 900k copies

Lords of the Fallen, a soulslike from developer Hexworks that was released on 13 Oct 2023, has sold around 900K copies to date, Marek Tyminski (CEO) revealed. It is estimated that 50% of these sales are from the Deluxe version of the game and the “game’s largest sales channel is PlayStation.”

Thanks to Resetera member Smitch, we have an English translation of the statements made by Tyminski from CI Games during a presentation.

[bs-quote quote=”We are satisfied with the sales results of Lords of The Fallen, but we make no secret that we had higher expectations in terms of revenue. However, it should be remembered that the second half of 2023 was set for a lot of competition between titles. The winners were the studios with the biggest titles, such as Spider-Man 2.” style=”default” align=”center” color=”” author_name=”” author_job=”” author_avatar=”” author_link=””][/bs-quote]

CI Games said in a presentation that the game’s development budget came to PLN 178 million (approximately $44.8 million) and the marketing budget to PLN 81.5 million (approximately $20.5 million).

Tyminski shared that at the moment, the game’s largest sales channel is PlayStation. He added that the conversion rate of Steam users who subscribed to the wish list for Lords of the Fallen and bought the game is about 10 percent.

“Games like Lords of The Fallen are longsellers(…). We will be monetizing this project for the next few years,” Tyminski said.

In a press release for its Q3 report, the company revealed its goal is to achieve $100 million in revenue over the next few years from the Lords of The Fallen game.

Resetera comments pointed out that back in October 23, news broke that LotF has “exceeded one million units, only 10 days after launch” but now we’re hearing about 900K.

lotf sales count how many copies

Source: @MauroNL3 on Twitter

Member Mikch85 mentioned “Interesting, developer Hexworks says 1mil, publisher says 900k.” to which another member, Wereroku replied, “Might be counting sales to retailers and the publisher is counting sales to consumers.”

The Lies of P Effect?

In my opinion, the game has done really well considering its intense competition, with similar games like Lies of P (September 19, 2023) being released close to each other and other juggernaut releases from major game developers.

Commenter Sylvee on Reddit, wrote, “Tbh I think more than Spider-Man 2, what hurt the game was Lies of P coming out like a month before it and showing you actually could get Fromsoft quality from a non-Fromsoft dev.” Another member Ada also preferred Lies of P over LotF.

Keziaka6591 added, “The game clearly needed more time in the oven and there’s too many good games out that are solid as hell. I went with Lies of P instead and am a happy camper lol.”

As Tyminski mentioned, such games work for the long term and there’s scope to get even better results in the new year or more.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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