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Pokimane Gets Cancelled Over Myna Cookies Controversy

All about the Pokimane Myna Cookies controversy related to the price tag, comparisons with Toatzy, her livestream comment and subsequent apology.



pokimane cookies controversy

Streamers and online influencers often invest in or start new businesses and Pokimane (real name: Imane Anys) launched Myna, a company that ‘sells healthy snack alternative cookies.’ The point of discussion among the community was the pricing of said cookies and what Pokimane said in response to that criticism ended up creating quite a furor online.

According to the official website, the cookies in question are gluten-free, 100% poppable, sustainably sourced, good source of Vitamin D, GMO free, plant based, grain free and have nothing artificial. They are available in 3 sizes – 4 pack, 8 pack, 12 pack priced at $28, $56, and $84 respectively.

myna cookies pokimane controversy explained

source: Myna Cookies

What’s the Pokimane Myna Cookies Controversy?

Pokimane’s company Myna Cookies is selling a four-pack of the midnight mini cookies for $28 and this led to feedback that they are overpriced. Then, during a live stream on November 18, 2023, Pokimane addressed this criticism by saying:

[bs-quote quote=”When people are like ‘oh my god $28 for cookies’. It’s four bags, that’s $7 per bag. I know, I know math is hard when you’re an idiot. But, if you’re a broke boy just say so.” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”” author_name=”” author_job=”” author_avatar=”” author_link=””][/bs-quote]

This added fuel to the fire, with multiple streamers calling out her “out of touch” response.

Many more Youtubers made reaction and commentary videos on this situation, leading to even more virality.

Pokimane’s Response

After the backlash, Pokimane issued a response with an apology on Twitter.

pokimane apologizes for comment

Source: Pokimane twitter

[bs-quote quote=”while what i said was 100% intended to be a joke, i see why it came off as insensitive and i apologize for that.

i also understand the current price of the cookies may be expensive for some, and promise we’ll continue to consider pricing to keep myna as affordable as possible.

i also want to clarify that this was said towards ONE rude chatter, i did not at all intend it to be a general statement or towards my community.” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”” author_name=”” author_job=”” author_avatar=”” author_link=””][/bs-quote]

Comparisons with other Cookies

This wasn’t the only controversy related to the cookies. Soon after the launch of her Midnight mini cookies, there were comparisons to Toatzy Midnight Mini Cookies which used to be sold at Costco.

Here’s a tweet (that has already raked in 1M views) that shows a comparison of ingredients with images and a price difference.

Per bag, the Myna cookies cost $7 but they are not sold in single bag format. The minimum is a 4-pack which amounts to $28.

Responding to accusations of being a rebranded ‘toatzy midnight mini cookie’, Pokimane tweeted this on November 16, 2023.

pokimane response about toatzy myna cookies rip off accusations

Source: Pokimane Twitter

[bs-quote quote=”The batch of Myna Cookies we\’re currently shipping were made 3 weeks ago. They are not a drop-shipped product and we own our formula. The cookies they are being compared to were also made by our manufacturer, Creation Foods, which specializes in healthy food. The compared cookies had one test batch sold before they were retired. Months later, we partnered with Creation Foods and fell in love with the flavor profile of the midnight cookie.” style=”default” align=”center” color=”” author_name=”” author_job=”” author_avatar=”” author_link=””][/bs-quote]

She continues,

[bs-quote quote=”While the ingredients list may look similar, they are entirely different in terms of ingredient quality, quantity/ratios, sourcing, the size/texture of the cookie and of course the added vitamin D. Refining formulas is a very common practice in the food industry + around 70-80% of the foods you see in grocery stores are white labeled. ” style=”default” align=”center” color=”” author_name=”” author_job=”” author_avatar=”” author_link=””][/bs-quote]

Check it out in its entirety here:

While Pokimane intended that line as a joke for a particular commenter, it did come off as elitist in general. Well-known Streamers like her are public figures and whatever they say will be discussed, dissected, and responded to by millions of followers. And so, it’s crucial to convey your thoughts wisely, especially about a newly launched business.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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