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How to Make Phoenix in Infinite Craft

Find the recipe combinations to make Phoenix in Infinite Craft as well as words like Mythology, Pyre, Flame, Ashes and more.



how to make phoenix in infinite craft

The phoenix is a mythical bird that can be born again through flames and mainly has presence in Greek mythology but there are similar creatures in Egyptian and Persian mythology too. If you’d like to make Phoenix in Infinite Craft, this guide will show you the quickest way to do it.

How to Make Phoenix in Infinite Craft

  • Combine Earth and Wind to get Dust
  • Mix Dust and Fire to get Ash
  • Mix Ash and Fire to get Phoenix

With that done, here are some more similar or related words that you might want to create.

crafting words related and similar to phoenix infinity craft

How to Make Fire Phoenix

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Wind + Wind = Tornado
  • Swamp + Tornado = Cyclone
  • Cyclone + Fire = Fire Tornado
  • Fire Tornado + Phoenix = Fire Phoenix

How to Make Mythology

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Plant + Steam = Tea
  • Tea + Wind = Kite
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Kite + Mountain = Eagle
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Plant = Coral
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Coral + Stone = Pearl
  • Eagle + Pearl = Mythology

How to Make Ashes

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Ash + Dust = Cinder
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Plant + Steam = Tea
  • Cinder + Tea = Cinderella
  • Cinderella + Fire = Ashes

How to Make Flame

  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Steam = Train
  • Train + Wind = Zephyr
  • Zephyr + Fire = Flame

How to Make Greek

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Plant + Smoke = Incense
  • Wind + Water = Wave
  • Wave + Earth = Sand
  • Incense + Sand = Snake
  • Snake + Earth = Medusa
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Fog + Plant = Mushroom
  • Mushroom + Water = Soup
  • Soup + Plant = Salad
  • Medusa + Salad = Greek

How to Make Egyptian Mythology

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Sandstorm + Stone = Sphinx
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Earth = Tree
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Tree + Swamp = Mangrove
  • Sphinx + Mangrove = Thoth
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Sun + Planet = Solar System
  • Thoth + Solar System = Egyptian Mythology

How to Make Persia

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Earth = Flower
  • Flower + Plant = Garden
  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Volcano + Lake = Island
  • Island + Earth = Continent
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Continent + Mountain = Asia
  • Garden + Asia = Persia

How to Make Resurrection

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Water = Wine
  • Wine + Water = Holy Water
  • Plant + Earth = Tree
  • Holy Water + Tree = Jesus
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Jesus + Ash = Resurrection

How to Make Pyre

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Plant + Smoke = Incense
  • Incense + Smoke = Prayer
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Lake = Sea
  • Prayer + Sea = Amen
  • Amen + Fire = Pyre

These were all the known recipes for Phoenix, Resurrection, Pyre, Flame and more related words in Infinite Craft. You can combine these elements with each other to create unique outcomes. And if you’re a fan of Star Wars, we’ve got a list of words to craft right here.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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