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How to Make Planet in Infinite Craft

Find out how to get Planet as well as the names of the Planets in our solar system as elements in Infinite Craft.



how to get planet infinite craft

If you want to get started with crafting celestial objects, you will need the ingredient of Plant in Infinite Craft. Luckily, it only needs a couple of steps! Once you know how to make Planet, you can craft some more Planet-related words in the game by following the guide here.

How to Get Planet in Infinite Craft

  • Combine Earth with Wind to get Dust.
  • Mix Dust with Earth to get Planet.

Let’s take a look at some more elements which have the word ‘Planet’ in them and the names of planets in our solar system.

how to make planet infinite craft

How to Get Sand Planet

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Swamp + Fire = Dragon
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
  • Dragon + Sandstorm = Sand Dragon
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Sand Dragon + Planet = Sand Planet

How to Get Red Planet

  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Sun + Lake = Sunset
  • Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
  • Planet + Sandstorm = Mars
  • Sunset + Mars = Red Planet

How to Get Captain Planet

  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Steam = Train
  • Train + Water = Submarine
  • Submarine + Steam = Captain Nemo
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Swamp + Plant = Venus Flytrap
  • Captain Nemo + Venus Flytrap = Captain Planet

How to Get Ice Planet

  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Volcano + Lake = Island
  • Island + Earth = Continent
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Mountain + Wind = Avalanche
  • Continent + Avalanche = Ice Age
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Sun + Planet = Solar System
  • Ice Age + Solar System = Ice Planet

How to Get Ghost Planet

  • Dust + Water = Mud
  • Mud + Fire = Brick
  • Brick + Wind = House
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • House + Fog = Haunted House
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Haunted House + Planet = Ghost Planet

How to Make Planetarium

  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Ash + Plant = Tobacco
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Tobacco + Planet = Uranus
  • Wind + Water = Wave
  • Wave + Earth = Sand
  • Sand + Fire = Glass
  • Glass + Wind = Window
  • Uranus + Window = Planetarium

How to Make Dwarf Planet in Infinite Craft

  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Water = Wine
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Wine + Planet = Pluto
  • Wind + Water = Wave
  • Wave + Earth = Sand
  • Sand + Fire = Glass
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Swamp + Plant = Venus Flytrap
  • Glass + Venus Flytrap = Terrarium
  • Pluto + Terrarium = Dwarf Planet

How to Make Mercury

  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Planet + Fog = Venus
  • Sun + Venus = Mercury

How to Make Venus

  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Planet + Fog = Venus

How to Make Jupiter

  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Mountain + Mountain = Mountain Range
  • Mountain Range + Wind = Aeolus
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Aeolus + Planet = Jupiter

How to Make Saturn

  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Planet + Engine = Saturn

How to Make Neptune

  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Plant + Smoke = Incense
  • Plant + Earth = Tree
  • Incense + Tree = Poseidon
  • Poseidon + Tree = Trident
  • Trident + Poseidon = Neptune

That was all about how to make Planet in Infinite Craft. If you also want to know how to make Life in the game, here’s the fastest way.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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