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How to Make Wolf in Infinite Craft

Check out how to get Wolf in Infinite Craft as well as other words with Wolf in them.



how to make wolf in infinite craft

Infinite Craft lets you craft various animals and one of them is the Wolf! In this guide, we will explain the steps to make the Wolf element, as well as some extra blocks with Wolf in them.

Wolf is also an important part of fiction in the form of the iconic Big Bad Wolf from folklore and fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood. Plus, you can also craft Airwolf, which is a 1980s American action military drama, and Wolfsbane which is a flowering plant. The name “wolfsbane” comes from the old European practice of poisoning wolves with meat scraps laced with wolfsbane roots. With that, let’s get right into the recipes!

How to Make Wolf in Infinite Craft

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Earth = Moon
  • Moon + Wind = Werewolf
  • Werewolf + Earth = Wolf

How to Make Wolfsbane

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Werewolf + Plant = Wolfsbane

How to Make Werewolf Express

  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Steam = Train
  • Werewolf + Train = Werewolf Express

How to Make Mountain Wolf

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Dandelion + Mountain = Mountain Dew
  • Werewolf + Mountain Dew = Mountain Wolf

How to Make Big Bad Wolf

big bad wolf recipe infinity craft

Screenshot by Gaming Inbox

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Dandelion + Fog = Fairy
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Steam = Train
  • Fairy + Train = Fairy Tale
  • Engine + Engine = Rocket
  • Rocket + Fire = Explosion
  • Fairy Tale + Explosion = Big Bad Wolf

How to Make Wolfman

  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Swamp + Plant = Venus Flytrap
  • Venus Flytrap + Swamp = Swamp Thing
  • Werewolf + Swamp Thing = Wolfman

How to Make Airwolf

airwolf recipe

Screenshot by Gaming Inbox

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Water = Wine
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Wine + Fog = Brandy
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Dandelion + Engine = Helicopter
  • Brandy + Helicopter = Airwolf

That was everything about Wolf in Infinite Craft and some Wolf-related words that you can create! If you also want to know how to make Harry Potter, Hogwarts, and more unique blocks, be sure to explore our Infinite Craft category.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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