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How to Make Divorce in Infinite Craft

Know the recipe combinations to make Divorce, Divorced and Divorcee in Infinite Craft.



how to make divorce infinite craft

Infinite Craft is a wacky game where you can not only create items, and objects but also craft relationships. While you can create love, hate, friendship and more, there’s also an option to get Divorce in this game. When combined with other elements, it can bring up some unique outcomes, especially when mixed with the blocks of famous people. Here’s how to make Divorce in Infinite Craft.

How to Make Divorce in Infinite Craft

recipe combo to get divorce infinite craft

Screenshot: Gaming Inbox

Element 1Element 2Result
Earth Wind Dust
Fire Water Steam
Dust Earth Planet
Water Water Lake
Earth Water Plant
Planet Steam Steampunk
Lake Water Ocean
Plant Steam Tea
Planet Wind Storm
Ocean Steampunk Steampunk Pirate
Storm Tea Tempest
Earth Earth Mountain
Plant Steampunk Pirate Steampunk Plant
Fire Wind Smoke
Dust Ocean Sand
Tempest Water Tsunami
Mountain Wind Avalanche
Smoke Steampunk Plant Steampunk Tree
Dust Water Mud
Dust Sand Sandstorm
Avalanche Tsunami Disaster
Plant Tempest Tree
Mud Steampunk Tree Swamp
Disaster Sandstorm Dust Bowl
Plant Tree Forest
Plant Swamp Venus Flytrap
Dust Bowl Wind Dust Storm
Forest Forest Jungle
Dust Storm Venus Flytrap Dust Trap
Jungle Tsunami Tiger
Avalanche Earth Landslide
Dust Trap Venus Flytrap Flypaper
Tiger Tree Tiger Woods
Flypaper Landslide Sticky Situation
Sticky Situation Tiger Woods Divorce

How to Make Divorced

Skip to the later steps if you already have a bunch of elements unlocked:

Elements to CombineResult
Earth + Wind Dust
Fire + Water Steam
Earth + Water Plant
Dust + Earth Planet
Water + Water Lake
Plant + Steam Tea
Planet + Wind Storm
Planet + Steam Steampunk
Lake + Water Ocean
Storm + Tea Tempest
Ocean + Steampunk Steampunk Pirate
Plant + Wind Dandelion
Plant + Tempest Tree
Plant + Steampunk Pirate Steampunk Plant
Fire + Wind Smoke
Dandelion + Dandelion Dandelion Patch
Dust + Tree Wood
Ocean + Ocean Sea
Earth + Fire Lava
Smoke + Steampunk Plant Steampunk Tree
Dust + Water Mud
Dandelion Patch + Lake Duck
Fire + Wood Campfire
Lava + Sea Stone
Steam + Steampunk Pirate Steampunk Pirate Ship
Mud + Steampunk Tree Swamp
Dust + Plant Pollen
Duck + Water Duckling
Steampunk Pirate + Wind Airship
Tea + Tempest Typhoon
Campfire + Earth Charcoal
Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone Stonehenge
Plant + Swamp Venus Flytrap
Ocean + Pollen Coral
Duck + Duckling Family
Airship + Lava Dragon
Lava + Typhoon Volcano
Earth + Earth Mountain
Charcoal + Charcoal Coal
Steam + Stonehenge Time
Coral + Venus Flytrap Coral Reef
Earth + Family Farm
Dandelion + Dragon Dragonfly
Dust + Volcano Ash
Dust + Ocean Sand
Tempest + Water Tsunami
Mountain + Wind Avalanche
Coal + Fire Diamond
Airship + Fire Crash
Lake + Time Aeon
Earth + Tea Teapot
Coral Reef + Steam Fish
Pollen + Wind Allergy
Farm + Plant Food
Fire + Steam Engine
Dragonfly + Dust Fairy
Ash + Dust Cinder
Dust + Sand Sandstorm
Avalanche + Tsunami Disaster
Crash + Diamond Emerald
Aeon + Time Eternity
Swamp + Teapot Witch
Fish + Lake Fishing
Allergy + Farm Hay
Ocean + Stone Island
Fire + Mud Brick
Fish + Water Fishbowl
Engine + Food Fuel
Earth + Farm Field
Fairy + Plant Flower
Cinder + Stone Glass
Sand + Storm Dune
Disaster + Sandstorm Dust Bowl
Crash + Emerald Green
Aeon + Eternity Forever
Smoke + Witch Wizard
Fishing + Wind Kite
Hay + Water Haystack
Brick + Island Prison
Fire + Fishbowl Goldfish
Fuel + Water Gasoline
Field + Steam Fog
Flower + Plant Garden
Fire + Glass Lens
Dune + Volcano Mars
Plant + Tree Forest
Dust Bowl + Wind Dust Storm
Forever + Green Money
Smoke + Wizard Genie
Kite + Stone Paper
Haystack + Swamp Mummy
Prison + Tsunami Prison Break
Goldfish + Swamp Piranha
Fog + Gasoline Smog
Garden + Witch Poison
Lens + Swamp Microscope
Steam + Wizard Cloud
Engine + Mars Rover
Forest + Forest Jungle
Dust Storm + Venus Flytrap Dust Trap
Genie + Money Rich
Mummy + Paper Wrap
Plant + Prison Break Weed
Piranha + Smoke Vampire
Smog + Venus Flytrap Air Pollution
Crash + Poison Toxic
Cloud + Microscope Rain
Mars + Rover Curiosity
Jungle + Tsunami Tiger
Avalanche + Earth Landslide
Dust Trap + Venus Flytrap Flypaper
Money + Rich Richer
Wrap + Wrap Blanket
Vampire + Weed Count
Air Pollution + Tsunami Global Warming
Rain + Toxic Acid Rain
Curiosity + Curiosity Question
Tiger + Tree Tiger Woods
Flypaper + Landslide Sticky Situation
Blanket + Richer Warmer
Count + Count Number
Acid Rain + Global Warming Climate Change
Fire + Question Answer
Diamond + Mud Ring
Sticky Situation + Tiger Woods Divorce
Number + Warmer Hotter
Answer + Climate Change Denial
Divorce + Ring Single
Denial + Hotter Not
Garden + Volcano Pompeii
Not + Single Married
Married + Pompeii Divorced

How to make Divorcee

Elements to CombineResult
Earth + Wind Dust
Fire + Water Steam
Earth + Water Plant
Dust + Earth Planet
Water + Water Lake
Plant + Steam Tea
Planet + Wind Storm
Plant + Wind Dandelion
Lake + Water Ocean
Planet + Steam Steampunk
Dust + Lake Mud
Storm + Tea Tempest
Dandelion + Dandelion Dandelion Patch
Lake + Ocean Sea
Earth + Fire Lava
Ocean + Steampunk Steampunk Pirate
Plant + Plant Tree
Mud + Water Swamp
Tea + Tempest Typhoon
Dandelion Patch + Lake Duck
Earth + Tea Teapot
Lava + Sea Stone
Steam + Steampunk Pirate Steampunk Pirate Ship
Dust + Tree Wood
Plant + Swamp Venus Flytrap
Steam + Typhoon Cloud
Duck + Water Duckling
Swamp + Teapot Witch
Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone Stonehenge
Earth + Earth Mountain
Fire + Wood Campfire
Cloud + Venus Flytrap Cloud Trap
Plant + Steampunk Pirate Steampunk Plant
Fire + Wind Smoke
Duck + Duckling Family
Witch + Witch Witch Hut
Steam + Stonehenge Time
Dust + Ocean Sand
Ocean + Tempest Tsunami
Mountain + Wind Avalanche
Campfire + Earth Charcoal
Steampunk Pirate Ship + Wind Airship
Cloud Trap + Sea Fish
Smoke + Steampunk Plant Steampunk Tree
Earth + Family Farm
Time + Witch Hut Wizard
Fire + Typhoon Volcano
Dust + Plant Pollen
Dust + Sand Sandstorm
Avalanche + Tsunami Disaster
Charcoal + Dust Diamond
Airship + Fire Crash
Lake + Time Aeon
Fish + Lake Fishing
Fire + Steam Engine
Steampunk Tree + Swamp Tree of Life
Farm + Plant Food
Volcano + Wizard Eruption
Pollen + Swamp Allergy
Disaster + Sandstorm Dust Bowl
Crash + Diamond Emerald
Aeon + Time Eternity
Engine + Fishing Fishing Rod
Steam + Tree of Life Evolution
Engine + Food Fuel
Storm + Swamp Bog
Water + Wind Wave
Eruption + Sand Glass
Allergy + Sand Hay
Dust Bowl + Wind Dust Storm
Emerald + Time Green
Aeon + Eternity Forever
Fishing Rod + Wind Kite
Evolution + Time Human
Fuel + Water Gasoline
Bog + Cloud Fog
Glass + Wave Lens
Hay + Plant Horse
Dust Storm + Planet Mars
Tree + Tsunami Forest
Forever + Green Money
Smoke + Wizard Genie
Kite + Stone Paper
Dust + Human Mummy
Fog + Gasoline Smog
Plant + Witch Poison
Lens + Swamp Microscope
Horse + Wind Pegasus
Stone + Stone Boulder
Engine + Mars Rover
Dust Storm + Venus Flytrap Dust Trap
Forest + Forest Jungle
Genie + Money Rich
Mummy + Paper Wrap
Smog + Venus Flytrap Air Pollution
Crash + Poison Toxic
Cloud + Microscope Rain
Boulder + Pegasus Rocking Horse
Mars + Rover Curiosity
Dust Trap + Plant Flower
Plant + Sand Cactus
Jungle + Tsunami Tiger
Avalanche + Earth Landslide
Dust Trap + Venus Flytrap Flypaper
Money + Rich Richer
Wrap + Wrap Blanket
Air Pollution + Tsunami Global Warming
Rain + Toxic Acid Rain
Rocking Horse + Smoke Unicorn
Curiosity + Curiosity Question
Flower + Plant Garden
Dust + Genie Lamp
Cactus + Wood Furniture
Tiger + Tree Tiger Woods
Flypaper + Landslide Sticky Situation
Blanket + Richer Warmer
Acid Rain + Global Warming Climate Change
Question + Unicorn Answer
Garden + Swamp Marsh
Plant + Sea Coral
Furniture + Lamp Light
Diamond + Mud Ring
Sticky Situation + Tiger Woods Divorce
Time + Warmer Hotter
Answer + Climate Change Denial
Coral + Marsh Reef
Light + Tsunami Lighthouse
Divorce + Ring Single
Denial + Hotter Not
Reef + Wave Surf
Crash + Lighthouse Shipwreck
Garden + Volcano Pompeii
Not + Single Married
Shipwreck + Surf Survivor
Married + Pompeii Divorced
Divorced + Survivor Divorcee

And there you have it! That was a lot, but worth doing if you want to fill up your elements section with some quirky outcomes.

If you’re interested in making Blackpink, PlayStation, Lotus Flower, Technology, or Stardew Valley, we’ve got just the recipes you need. Don’t forget to explore more Infinite Craft guides to discover unique blocks.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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