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How to Make Pokemon in Infinite Craft

Recipe combinations to make Pokemon in Infinite Craft and Pikachu, Mewtwo, Jigglypuff, Gengar, Eevee, Mudkip, Lucario & even Pokemon Go.



how to make pokemon infinity craft

Pokemon is a massive franchise that has not only video games but also successful anime series, movies, iconic cards and merchandise. Since millions of copies of Pokémon are sold worldwide, it’s safe to say that this IP has a huge fanbase and if you’re one of them, you’d want to know how to make Pokemon in Infinite Craft.

Look no further, here are the recipe combinations that you need to know.

charmander pokemon recipe infinite craft

How to Make Pokemon in Infinite Craft

The Pokemon crafting recipe requires you to combine Poke with Island.

  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Volcano + Lake = Island
  • Island + Volcano = Hawaii
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Water = Fish
  • Hawaii + Fish = Poke
  • Poke + Island = Pokemon

How to Make Pokemon Go

how to make pokemon go infinite craft

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Water = Wine
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Plant = Car
  • Wine + Car = Driving
  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Volcano + Lake = Island
  • Island + Volcano = Hawaii
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Water = Fish
  • Hawaii + Fish = Poke
  • Driving + Poke = Pokemon Go

Now that we have Pokemon, the next thing to do is to craft actual Pokemon. Here are the recipes of some of the most popular ones.

Mewtwo Recipe: Combine Alien with Pokemon

mewtwo infinite craft recipe

  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Engine = Rocket
  • Rocket + Engine = Space Ship
  • Space Ship + Earth = Alien

You can also mix Angel + Pokemon to get Mewtwo.

Eevee Recipe: Combine Pokemon with Stone

eevee infinite craft

  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Stone + Pokemon = Eevee

Pikachu Recipe: Combine Electricity with Whale

  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Water = Cloud
  • Cloud + Fire = Lightning
  • Lightning + Water = Electricity
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Mountain + Lake = Fjord
  • Fjord + Water = Whale
  • Electricity + Whale = Pikachu

Bulbasaur Recipe: Combine Pikachu with Plant

  • Earth + Water = Plant

Mudkip Recipe: Combine Kite with Mudslide

Mudslide recipe:

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Water = Mud
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Wind = Storm
  • Mud + Storm = Mudslide

Venusaur Recipe: Combine Salamander with Venus

  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Water = Fish
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Fish + Lava = Salamander
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Planet + Fog = Venus
  • Salamander + Venus = Venusaur

Blastoise Recipe: Combine Venusaur with Water

blastoise infinite craft

Gengar Recipe: Combine Haunted with Venusaur

  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Mountain + Lake = Fjord
  • Fjord + Earth = Land
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Fog + Swamp = Ghost
  • Land + Ghost = Haunted

Charizard Recipe: Combine Burnt with Mudkip

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Plant + Steam = Tea
  • Wind + Water = Wave
  • Wave + Earth = Sand
  • Tea + Sand = Sandwich
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Sandwich + Smoke = Burnt
  • Tea + Wind = Kite
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Water = Mud
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Wind = Storm
  • Mud + Storm = Mudslide
  • Kite + Mudslide = Mudkip
  • Burnt + Mudkip = Charizard

Rayquaza Recipe: Combine Mudkip with Sky

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Water = Cloud
  • Planet + Cloud = Sky

Umbreon Recipe: Combine Eclipse with Mudkip

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Earth = Moon
  • Moon + Fire = Eclipse

Mew Recipe: Combine Moon with Pokemon

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Earth = Moon

Sylveon Recipe: Combine Dust with Eevee

  • Earth + Wind = Dust

Jigglypuff Recipe: Combine Beluga with Jello

  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Mountain + Lake = Fjord
  • Fjord + Water = Whale
  • Mountain + Wind = Avalanche
  • Avalanche + Wind = Snow
  • Whale + Snow = Beluga
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Ash + Water = Puddle
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Puddle + Stone = Pudding
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Pudding + Lake = Jello

Lucario Recipe: Combine Firefly with Smash Bros.

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Plant + Smoke = Incense
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Incense + Swamp = Mosquito
  • Mosquito + Fire = Firefly
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Plant + Lake = Lily
  • Lily + Lake = Lotus
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Mountain + Lake = Fjord
  • Lotus + Fjord = Nirvana
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Water = Fish
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Mountain + Lake = Fjord
  • Fish + Fjord = Salmon
  • Mountain + Mountain = Mountain Range
  • Salmon + Mountain Range = Salmon Run
  • Nirvana + Salmon Run = Smash Bros.

Greninja Recipe: Combine Ash with Frogadier


  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Mountain + Lake = Fjord
  • Fjord + Earth = Land
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Water = Fish
  • Land + Fish = Amphibian
  • Amphibian + Venusaur = Frogadier
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Ash + Frogadier = Greninja

Squirtle Recipe: Combine Squirrel with Turtle

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Water = Mud
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Mud + Swamp = Quagmire
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Quagmire + Stone = Squirrel
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Earth = Tree
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Tree + Swamp = Mangrove
  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Mangrove + Volcano = Turtle

Gardevoir Recipe: Combine Gargle + Nintendo

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Plant + Steam = Tea
  • Ash + Tea = Matcha
  • Matcha + Dust = Green Tea
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Stone + Smoke = Statue
  • Stone + Steam = Geysir
  • Statue + Geysir = Gargoyle
  • Green Tea + Gargoyle = Gargle
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Fog + Dust = Smog
  • Dust + Water = Mud
  • Mud + Fire = Brick
  • Smog + Brick = Factory
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Fog + Plant = Mushroom
  • Wind + Water = Wave
  • Wave + Water = Tsunami
  • Mushroom + Tsunami = Mario
  • Factory + Mario = Nintendo
  • Gargle + Nintendo = Gardevoir

Arceus Recipe: Combine Jungle with Olympus Mons

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Earth = Tree
  • Tree + Earth = Forest
  • Forest + Forest = Jungle
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Earth = Tree
  • Tree + Water = River
  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • River + Mountain = Canyon
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
  • Planet + Sandstorm = Mars
  • Canyon + Mars = Olympus Mons
  • Jungle + Olympus Mons = Arceus

Arcanine Recipe: Combine Arceus + Fire


Dragonite Recipe: Combine Crayon + Dragon

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Earth = Tree
  • Ash + Tree = Pencil
  • Pencil + Ash = Crayon
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Swamp + Fire = Dragon

Lickitung Recipe: Combine Cannabis + Flat Frog

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Plant = Weed
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Weed + Swamp = Cannabis
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Stone + Engine = Steamroller
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Dandelion + Swamp = Frog
  • Steamroller + Frog = Flat Frog
  • Cannabis + Flat Frog = Lickitung

Of course, this list is only scratching the surface – you can mix and match every single element you have, to unlock more Pokemon characters and their evolved versions. Try combos with the Pokemon element itself and you’ll have a good list for starters.

And if you are looking for some more Infinite Craft recipes, we’ve got you covered. Here’s how to make History, Death, Internet, Video game and much more.

Nikita has switched multiple career paths but one thing has remained constant - her love for digital content and writing. Having dabbled in creative storytelling, songwriting and long-form content, writing about video games is when she has the most fun. She's a hardcore fan of the Forza franchise, Overwatch 2, Diablo and currently playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder!

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