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BitLife Astronaut Technical Training Answers Guide

This list of correct test answers will come to the rescue!



bitlife astronaut technical training test answers

Becoming an astronaut is no easy feat in real life and that’s the case in BitLife too, because during your space academy training, you have to answer some technical questions. These can be challenging because the list has a mix of simple as well as scientific topics which can be confusing.

If you’re stuck and don’t know the correct answers, we have just the cheat sheet you need.

BitLife Astronaut Technical Training Answers

bitlife astronaut technical test questions

Questions can be randomly asked from the list below, so whenever you want to become an Astronaut in BitLife, open up this article and get your answer right away.

Sr.No.Astronaut Technical Training Test QuestionsAnswers
1What is the name of our moon?The Moon
2Who was the first person to step foot on the Moon?Neil Armstrong
3What is the payload of a rocket?The cargo taken into space
4What does a light-year measure?Distance
5How many Earths can fit inside the Sun?One million
6How many astronauts have set foot on the moon?12
7What was the first mammal in space?A Dog
8What is the reflective glass covering on an astronaut’s spacesuit called?A Visor
9What is the force that counteracts the Thrust force for flight?Drag
10Which is the most common propellant for a rocket?Liquid Hydrogen
11What is a Meteorite?Rock from space that hits Earth
12How old is the Earth?About 4.5 billion years old
13What is the official term for an astronaut’s spacesuit?An Extravehicular Mobility Unit
14What is the term for the up and down movement of a Plane?Pitch Motion
15How long does it take to travel from Earth to Moon?Three days
16How often does the Earth revolve around the Sun?Once every 365 days
17What makes it possible for the Earth to orbit the Sun?The Sun’s Gravitational Pull
18How long does it take light from the Sun to reach Earth?About 8 minutes
19The Great Red Spot Appears on which planet?Jupiter
20What keeps astronauts in place when sleeping in zero gravity?Velcro
21What is the purpose of the nose cone on a rocket?Reduce Air Resistance
22What’s the name for the point at which nothing can escape a black hole’s gravitational pull?The Event Horizon
23Where did the Moon Landing take place in 1969?The Sea of Tranquility
24Which type of rocket engine is used to maneuver spacecraft during flight and adjust their trajectory?Maneuvering Thrusters
25Who invented the telescope?Hans Lippershey
26What is the name of the device that astronauts wear to regulate the flow of oxygen and remove carbon dioxide while in space?Liquid Cooling & Ventilation Garment
27What does the acronym LEO stand for?Low-Earth Orbit
28At 450 degree Celsius, which planet is the hottest in the solar system?Venus
29What makes it possible for Earth to orbit the Sun?Gravity
30What is the force that causes the plane to fly?Lift
31What is a constellation?A Pattern of Stars
32Which instrument measures the mix and concentration of the air astronauts breathe inside a spacecraft?Oxygen sensor
33What is the term for the left and right movement of a Plane?Yaw
34What is the purpose of the solar panel on satellites?To Power the Satellite
35What protective layer surrounds a rocket to protect it from the intense heat generated during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere?The Heat Shield
36What is the speed of Light?300 million meters per second
37What is the name of the tool used by astronauts to collect samples of rock and soil from the surface of the moon?Rock Hammer
38What type of spacecraft is used to transport astronauts from Earth to and from the International Space Station?Soyuz Spacecraft
39What keeps an astronaut attached to a spacecraft while on a spacewalk?A Tether System
40What is the name of the robotic arm used by astronauts to manipulate objects outside the spacecraft?Canadarm
41What is the name of the machine that simulates the effect of gravity on the human body?Centrifuge
42Which type of engine is used to maneuver spacecraft during flight and adjust their trajectory?Maneuvering Thrusters
43What is an astronaut’s maximum absorbency garment?It’s a diaper
44What is the name of the galaxy that will collide with the Milky Way someday?Andromeda
45How long does it take the space station to orbit once around Earth?90 minutes
46Stars are fueled by the nuclear fusion of what gas?Hydrogen
47What is the closest star to Earth?The Sun

These are all the answers you need to clear the BitLife Astronaut technical test. If you’d also like to know the correct answers to pass the driving test and the pilot license test, we’ve got you covered.

Maria is a part-time gamer, part-time painter and full-time Otaku. Her love for Anime started with Pokemon as she watched and drew Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon. Upon finding out about the games she became a big RPG fan. However, RPGs aren't the only type of game she likes. You can also find her maining Mileena, Kitana, and Johnny Cage in MK1.

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